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There are three techniques for fat drawing (suction) and aspiration:

  1. MACROFAT– standard technique with regular perimeter cannulas and big side holes.
  2. MICROFAT– liposuction cannulas could be the same size, but side holes are sharp and are 1 mm bigAfter rinsing and filtering the aspirated fat (lipoaspirat) microfat is produced and then injected into various face sites. For the procedure delicate 0.7-0.9 cannulas are used.
  3. NANOFAT– lipoaspirat from the second method (MICROFAT) is mechanically emulated to get a fine emulsion. There are no live fat cells (adipocytes) only the SVFs (stromal vascular fraction) and stem cells. Therefore, the voluminous effect of nanofat is quite limited. Nanofat is not a soft tissue filler.

NANOFAT is used exclusively to improve the quality of the skin in cases of:

  1. Trophic skin changes due to aging and insolation damages.
  2. Skin pigmentation, g. dark eye circles, etc.
  3. Scaring and atrophic skin changes (hypertrophic or atrophic scars, post-radiation skin atrophy, ischemic necrosis of skin lobes, etc.)

NANOFAT emulsion is injected superficially – intradermal and subdermal; 27G needles are used.

Clinical results slowly improve and reach the peak in four to six months after the injection.

Side effects are minimal. There are no infections, fat cysts, granulomas. When larger areas are injected, like cheeks or neckline, a slight redness might appear that lasts from 2 to 3 days.

The main nanofat effect is most probably stem cells activity.

Nanofat injections can be seen as tissue engineering process in vivo.